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6 Construction Strategies to Manage Progress and Improve Safety on Site

Construction projects can be incredibly complex with many moving parts, which is why it is so important that project management is made a priority. There are many administrative and human risks in terms of public safety, legal and financial responsibility, so strategies need to be implemented which will help to manage progress and improve safety on site. Here are a few of the best strategies to implement.

Identify Risks

First, you need to make sure that you take the time to identify the risks during the pre-construction phase otherwise you are putting the project and those around you at risk. You need to work with the project team and stakeholders to identify risks throughout each stage whether this is safety hazards for workers, delays in work due to the weather or labour shortages. Once you have identified the risks, you can then find ways to manage or overcome these.

Have A Clear Communication System In Place

Issues tend to arise in complex projects when there is no clear communication system in place. When you have lots of people each doing something different, it can quickly lead to inefficiencies and even dangers. This is why communication needs to be a priority with daily briefings as well as using a work execution platform so that digital communication can be synced to a single location.

Use Data to Manage the Project

In today’s day and age, data can be immensely helpful when it comes to managing a complex construction project. Data can be used to generate construction plans, creating schedules and estimates, report performance, keep machinery and tech in good condition and manage resources as well as help with reporting so that you can get a clear overview of how the project is coming along and any potential issues.

Staff Training

It is of no use having systems in place and a high-quality project plan if your team is not trained properly. This is why you need to make sure that all staff are trained and know how to perform their role both to a high standard and also safely. Accidents and issues arise when staff do not know how to work safely or safety has not been made a priority.

Invest in Safety Equipment

Following this point, you also need to make safety a priority by investing in the best safety equipment. In addition to the right tools and equipment, this should include high-quality PPE for your staff and any visitors to wear along with signage around the construction site.

Business Insurance

Finally, it is essential that you have high-quality construction insurance in place for your project. This can provide protection and cover for many aspects of a construction project, including managerial, financial, legal and safety risks. This insurance is obviously important if you encounter any issues but it is also important for providing peace of mind.

These 6 strategies will help to manage progress and improve safety on the construction site. Construction projects can be incredibly complex and challenging to manage with many risks, but when you know the best strategies to use you can eliminate or reduce these risks and find success.