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How to Incorporate Energy-Saving Features in Your Home

Climate change isn’t recent news, but it’s become one of the major talking points in recent years. This is largely because the detrimental impact of climate change is being felt right now, with 2020 named the hottest year on record and grim predictions about what will happen in the coming decades.

Activists such as Greta Thunberg and Sir David Attenborough are pushing the impact of climate change to the forefront and now the impact of our actions on the environment is something we’re all aware of.

While huge organisations are being asked to take responsibility for their role in climate change, there are things that we can do on an individual level to make a difference, too. If you’re trying to reduce your individual carbon footprint, here are some ideas to help you bring energy-saving features into your home.

The benefits of saving energy

Everyone produces energy in the home. From boiling the kettle to leaving the TV on standby, we consume energy all the time, often without realising it. While we need a morning coffee, it’s important that we’re conscious about the way we use energy at home.

By looking at ways to consume less power, we’re reducing fumes released by power plants, conserving the resources we have, and protecting the environment and ecosystems. Using excess energy contributes to the warming of the planet, so trying to make a difference on an individual level can go a long way.

Additionally, being more conscientious about how much energy we use can help financially. Energy prices are rising, and these take a huge chunk of a monthly salary. Taking the time to consider ways to cut energy use around the home can benefit your budget in the long run.

Energy-saving products to try

So, are there any additions you can introduce to make your home more energy-conscious? More and more products appear on the market that are designed with the environment in mind.

A smart meter is a great addition. This allows you to set the exact temperature in your home, timing heaters to come on when you need them, and you can use them to monitor how much heat you use.

If you’re planning on introducing some of these, you could start with electric panel heaters. These are perfect for taking the chill off rooms that aren’t used much and they tend to feature thermostats and timers, so you can control when they are in use.

Also, switch your halogen bulbs for LED. As well as saving energy, these longer-lasting bulbs can save you up to £3 per year for every LED bulb you swap to.

Larger projects

If you have the budget, there are bigger jobs you can do around the home. Look at insulation, for instance. According to the Energy Saving Trust, just insulating under the floorboards on the ground floor of your home could save you around £45 a year on your energy bill, so it not only preserves heat in the home, but can save money.

Double glazing is another great way to preserve heat in the home. Most new homes come with double glazing as standard, but if you’re in an older property, you might need to invest in new windows.

Top tips

Here are some more ideas to cut back on energy consumption at home:

  • Wash clothes at a lower temperature
  • Air dry clothes rather than using the tumble dryer
  • Conserve water by switching the tap off while brushing your teeth, and taking a shower rather than a bath