Lendlease and Morgan Sindall make shortlist for £2bn scheme
A shortlist of three bidders has been confirmed for £2bn of development plans across Haringey in north London.
The shortlisted bidders are Lendlease, Morgan Sindall with Affinity Sutton and Circle; and Pinnacle with Starwood Capital and Catalyst.
The bidders who have dropped out of the race are Places for People, Galliford Try with Home Group and Urban & Civic.
The Haringey Development Vehicle will work with the winning joint venture partner to deliver town centre regeneration and housing estate renewal across the borough.
Over the next 20 years plans will see construction of 5,000 new homes and a new town centre in Wood Green.
The leader of Haringey Council, Councillor Claire Kober said: “Today we are a step closer to appointing a partner to deliver one of the biggest regeneration programmes in the UK.
“This £2billion programme underlines our ambition for Haringey and will transform our borough and the role it plays in London, with thousands of new jobs and homes for current and future residents.”
A winner from the shortlist will be chosen by the start of next year.