Surveyor Link Limited

About Surveyor Link Limited Inspection and Auditing Services

Surveyor Link  Vision

Surveyor Link  focuses on the delivery of cost effective survey management and technical audit reporting solutions.  We utilise technology extensively to provide survey solutions that improve overall time and cost efficiency whilst delivering high quality technical reporting information directly to our customers, in a format that meets their specific requirements. We believe that each clients’ requirements are unique as should be the solution that delivers the survey management and reporting.

Surveyor Link Limited

Surveyor Link  Company Profile

Surveyor Link was established in 2009.  We provide bespoke construction and building survey, asset inspection and technical auditing solutions for the insurance industry, mortgage providers, outdoor media companies, rail and infrastructure sectors. At Surveyor Link work directly with outdoor media operations, outdoor media contractors, developers, builders and self-builders as well as property owners and purchasers. We also work extensively with consultants, insurance brokers, underwriting agents and insolvency practitioners. We have a wealth of experience which has been gained from the construction survey, building control, outdoor media, engineering and insurance risk management sectors. This experience combined with system design and project management skills enable us to deliver genuine solutions. Our customers include JCDecaux, Outdoor Logistics, Protek Warranty, Frankham Group and Network Rail. foundations