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How To Spot The Signs Of A Cowboy Builder

Spotting the signs of a cowboy builder can be the difference in you having the redevelopment of your dreams, and the experience of your nightmares.

A cowboy trader, sometimes referred to as a rogue trader, can be described as a tradesperson who is not properly trained and delivers generally a low standard of work.

We have compiled a list of the most common signs that should set the alarm bells off in your head straight away. If you notice any of the signs below, steer well clear of these tradespeople!

No Accreditations

When a company has no accreditations, it is often an easy first step to spotting a cowboy builder. They can give you reassurance that their work has been previously vetted by a trusted trades body.

Whether it be the Master Builders Association or CHAS, always check that the tradesperson you decide to use has at least some form of accreditation they can show you. A number of these accreditations (such as GasSafe) supply them with ID cards that they can show you as proof.

So, if you do ask a tradesmen this question and they cannot supply you with any kind of accreditation evidence whatsoever, be very careful proceeding with their services.

This is an easy way to vett somebody for being a cowboy builder.

Payment Upfront

Any tradesman you hire should work to the same parameters as you would expect from a larger company.

What we mean by this is that any behaviour that you would not associate with a reputable company, is likely indicative of a tradesperson that is guilty of malpractice. In other words a rogue trader or cowboy builder.

Any tradesperson who asks for cash payment before they have even completed the job is likely someone you should try to avoid dealing with. Especially if they ask for cash in hand, which likely means they are trying to get out of paying tax!

Occasionally, these types of tradesmen can even do a runner, leaving you with incomplete and sub-standard work that will cost you even more money to remedy.

Do yourself a favour and ensure that you always pay an invoice and never until the work has been fully completed to the specifications that you asked for!


Generally speaking, in modern times, every company has review experiences posted about them online from previous customers. Whether that be on Trustpilot, Google Reviews, or any other review platform, somebody somewhere would have rated that company’s service.

If you cannot find reviews anywhere for the builder you are considering to use, this is definitely a red flag that requires further investigation. It is highly unlikely that you will be dealing with a first time trader that is taking on their first job.

It could mean a number of things. For example, the builder could be frequently changing their company name to avoid people reviewing their service. This way bad reviews don’t matter as much to them as you will be given a brand new company name that cannot be traced back to the bad experiences that customers have reviewed them for.

You should ask them to show you examples of their previous work, along with references that you can check out for yourself to ensure that you are not getting shafted. Legitimate builders will be more than happy to divulge you with such information as they would have nothing to hide!

They Knocked On Your Front Door
Cowboy builders are keen opportunists. They prowl the streets searching for targets.

Often they will even instigate the first point of contact, telling you how something is wrong with your property and they have the experience to fix it before a catastrophe hits.

This is most certainly a con artist at work!

Often the price will sound so appealing that you wonder to yourself how you could possibly turn down these rates from this good samaritan. But sadly this is often too good to be true. Whilst some can be legitimate, door to door business is something to be very careful of trusting.

If you are worried that they have spotted a problem, do not feel pressured into taking the first repair offer from the tradesmen that only just knocked on your door and has come straight out of an unmarked van. Get a number of quotes and be sure to carefully select the tradesmen to avoid getting caught out by a cowboy builder.

The door to door pitches are a cowboy traders hallmark!

Incredibly Low Quote Costs
The final sign we will mention is regarding the price a cowboy builder will often quote you.

Often to compensate for their lack of accreditations and historical evidence of work, a cowboy builder will quote you an enticingly low price. As stated above this is often too good to be true.

You should always get quotes from multiple sources, that way you can root out the cowboy trader easily by spotting the unrealistic rates that they inevitably charge you.

Low rates either mean they are going to hike up the price unexpectedly later, or skimp out on by using cheap cost materials and ill advised practises.

Always compare prices using handy websites such as Infobest, where you can search for the most reliable and highest reviewed builders in your area!

To Conclude
Hopefully this post has got to you before the cowboy builder could. These tips are simple to remember and will always do the trick in helping you identify the good from the bad builders.

Just remember, be careful and take your time when choosing a professional. They are performing a service for you, so it is important that you feel happy and comfortable employing their services.

Never feel pressured to take a service on your doorstep, always do your research and you can easily steer clear from the clutches of a rogue tradesman!

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When & Why Was Asbestos Used In Homes?

Now everyone knows the dangers that asbestos can cause, but once upon a time we were very ignorant to the harm long term exposure can have on our lungs.

As time has passed and science has improved, we have learned from our naivety. But once upon a time asbestos was considered the best thing since sliced bread in the construction industry.

So, it may have you wondering why it was used, and where abouts in your property asbestos may have once been present.

In this blog we will detail the whens and whys, giving you the low down of what made asbestos the material that was first reached for when it came to property construction.

What Makes It A Good Building Material?

Asbestos has been used in a wide range of buildings. But it was at its most popular around the 50s-70s.

It was often boasted about as being a wonder product, and builders flocked to their suppliers regularly for new projects. Schools, hospitals, office buildings. You name it, and asbestos was likely used in the building structure if it was built pre-1980.

Now there was a good reason as to why asbestos was so popular for builders. There are many useful properties that asbestos has that made them perfect for all kinds of building works.

Firstly, it was especially useful in insulation. It worked great at keeping the heat in due to the air between the fibres in its make up slowing down the transfer of heat. Not only that, but asbestos is also fire resistant. This made it the perfect material for fire safety doors or other areas to prevent the spread of fire in a property.

Asbestos is also resistant to water and other chemicals, along with being extremely cheap to produce.

All these reasons together made it perfect to be used in construction, often being ground up into other materials such as cement. So now you know the why, what was asbestos used for?

What Was Asbestos Used For In Construction?

There were many different parts of property construction that asbestos was used in. It was used in both commercial and residential properties in the UK. To see examples of exactly where asbestos was used you can read a more comprehensive breakdown here.

It can commonly be found in any building that was constructed before the year 2000. So professionals and DIYers who are considering conducting renovation works on their properties need to be aware of common areas where asbestos can be found. That way they can minimise the risk of damaging the asbestos and releasing harmful fibres into the air.

Some of the most common areas on a property where you can find asbestos include:

  • Wall cavities
  • Roof shingles
  • Fire Doors
  • Cladding
  • Pipe Lagging
  • Window Cills

As you can see from above, asbestos was used throughout many products that are used within both commercial and residential properties. This meant that a high percentage of people were exposed to the material before any ban came into place. But what caused the government to ban the use of asbestos?

Why Did Asbestos Need To Be Banned From UK Construction?

As we have outlined above, asbestos used to be considered as a wonder material, for its cheap costs, insulating qualities and fire-resistant properties.

With it being so popular it was found in millions of buildings across the country, leading to more and more people having long term exposure to asbestos. This leads to increasing numbers of people becoming ill and dying as a result.

The fibres that give this material its amazing qualities also have a sinister and deadly effect on the human lungs. Still puzzled as to why it took so long for the material to be banned from construction?

Well, the side effects of this long term exposure only become apparent many decades after the long term exposure began. So initially this harm of asbestos was tricky to pinpoint due to how long it took for symptoms to develop.

There are a number of long term, and often fatal, illnesses that asbestos exposure can cause. These include:

  • Asbestosis
  • Mesothelioma
  • Lung Cancers

After the dangers of asbestos became apparent, it was not long before the UK moved to try halt the use of Asbestos in construction!

When Did Asbestos Stop Being Used In The UK?
You may be shocked to learn that all types of asbestos was only banned in construction throughout the UK in 1999!

Crocidolite and amosite were initially banned for use in 1985. But it took a further 14 years for the use of chrysotile to be banned in the UK. This meant that it wasn’t until 1999 that the manufacture and supply of all asbestos products in the UK became illegal.

Having been banned in the UK now, you still find asbestos present in thousands upon thousands of buildings across the country. It is often difficult to even tell whether your property does in fact contain asbestos, which is why people often hire a professional asbestos company to test their property for them.

Asbestos can be mixed into the cement used on the structure of the building or even within products such as boilers. Straight up removal or encasement of the asbestos often go to modern methods of treating your property for asbestos. And it is always recommended to have an asbestos survey carried out on any property that you plan to purchase.

To Conclude

Hopefully, this article has given you a more in depth look at the history of asbestos and why it needed to be banned from construction in the UK.

As much as asbestos had its redeeming qualities in terms of its construction properties, the health risk trade-off is never worth it.

Should you think that there is asbestos present in any of your property, be sure to call a professional to provide a comprehensive test.

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The effects of Covid-19 could bring out the benefits of alternative Space Heating solutions.

The latest Space Heating market report from AMA Research highlights the effects of both Covid-19 and the UK exit from the EU on this market. The market will be driven by increasing focus on legislation and environmental impacts and changes to the way we live and work moving into 2021.

The way we are heating our spaces, be it at home or commercially, is changing as a result of developments in new technology and increased consumer awareness, either through the desire to control spending and energy consumption or by the need to comply with current and forthcoming legislation.

In the residential space heating sector, there has been a shift in demand for more aspirational products, which has supported value growth and retailer margins. With fluctuating fuel prices, consumers have looked for alternative methods to heat their homes. The non-residential space heating sector has seen steady improvement particularly within the private sector, having experienced higher levels of business investment prior to Covid-19. Space heating has been considered by many as a cost effective and energy efficient complement to traditional central heating systems.

In 2025 we will see the introduction of the Future Homes Standard and with it changes to the way new residential buildings are designed and built. With the progressive movement away from gas fired central heating systems towards greener solutions, space heating suddenly becomes a more prominent market. Combine this with the effects of Covid-19 and changes to the home and work life balance, where the vast majority of workers are currently working from home, space heating is a viable consideration. One which will be very much consumer driven as people look to reduce cost and energy consumption where they can.

Michelle Turner, Editor at AMA Research has said, “Effects of COVID-19 have gone beyond health considerations and these will roll into 2021 and beyond as we see tighter green standards, and changes to the way we live and work, bring out the benefits of alternative Space Heating solutions.”

Looking forward, it is anticipated that the value of the UK space heating market will recover, albeit at a slow to moderate pace in the short term. The market value will not only be influenced by the rippled effects of Covid-19 but also by rising cost of imports, given the current and further expected weakness of Sterling as a result of Brexit proceedings from the start of 2021; stronger market performance is expected towards the end of 2024.

About AMA Research

AMA Research is a leading provider of market research and consultancy services with over 30 years’ experience within the construction and home improvement markets. For more information, go to or follow us on Twitter @AMAResearch for all the latest building and construction market news.

Since 2017, AMA Research has been part of Barbour ABI, a leading provider of construction intelligence services. Barbour ABI is part of UBM, which in June 2018 combined with Informa PLC to become a leading B2B information services group and the largest B2B Events organiser in the world. To learn more and for the latest news and information, visit and

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How Retaining Walls Work In Commercial Construction Projects

Retaining walls for commercial properties are often constructed on a much larger scale since these types of projects are relatively bigger compared to simple landscaping walls. Having this in mind, you have to use proper retaining wall placement and construction methods.

Largely constructed for their aesthetic beauty, these walls are designed to hold the soil around your property, preventing it from eroding away from your building’s foundation. Common materials used for commercial retaining wall construction include poured concrete, precast concrete blocks, natural stone, and bricks.

Retaining walls work in various ways in construction depending on the location of the property, and the environmental conditions around your property. Building a retaining wall for a commercial building requires proper planning to avoid it being hazardous to both the physical well-being of the property and the property’s suitability for the business.

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Major Functions

1. Soil Retention

Soil is an active part of any project that cannot be neglected. It may seem intact but there are several forces of nature that constantly act on it, weakening it with time. Water is the main agent. Other forces that can result in the soil around your property being weakened are frost action and tectonic forces.

Retaining walls are primarily used to retain the soil around your property. Depending on the amount of excavation conducted during the construction of your property’s foundation, you may need to construct a strong load-bearing wall that prevents the soil from sliding or eroding away from the foundation or towards the building.

Your commercial project includes an allowance for a parking lot. If the land around the property is on a higher level, you risk having the soil pushing back towards the parking lot if you do not have a retaining wall around it. This can turn into a disaster quickly!

For you to successfully achieve proper erosion control with retaining walls for commercial properties, you have to conduct a significant amount of surveying around the property and carry out site preparation works to ensure the structure will not fail after installation.

2. Drainage

You definitely do not want water flowing into your property. Places such as your basement, parking lot, or office and retail spaces could potentially be at risk. Retaining walls can help you control the runoff water around your property.

As you plan your commercial construction project, make an allowance for the control of the flow of rainwater around the property. The water can be well managed, and the risk of flooding avoided if the retaining walls are installed properly.

The retaining walls work by channeling runoff water towards designated places. This also works well if you are planning to install other water features around your property such as fountains or swimming pools.

3. Aesthetics

Retaining walls are vital in giving your landscape design some vibrancy. You can be as creative as possible with your garden. The wall creates a barrier and makes the garden easy to manipulate to your taste. It can also be used to level out an area for a decorative garden.

A retaining wall can be used to divide and organize the yard around your commercial property, making it more appealing to the eye. The slope of your yard will determine how many walls you need. Different flowers or plants can be planted in the various layers.

If the area around a commercial property is beautifully organized, more customers are attracted to the property.

Building And Zoning Permits

Zoning regulations dictate standards such as the size and location of structures within and around properties. They also determine the acceptable uses for your property. Make sure your project is compliant with the relevant zoning rules.

For the construction or alteration of any retaining wall that is more than 12 inches (30.48 cm) from the ground, a zoning permit is required. A building permit is required for walls taller than 4 feet (ca. 122 cm), measured from the base of the wall.

You won’t need a permit if the top of the overhead structure is at least 50% open and has no member wider than 2 inches (ca. 5 cm) and cannot accumulate ice or snow.

Before you commence your commercial construction project, you should know the regulations that would apply to that particular project or property.

Proper Wall Design

For a retaining wall to function well in a commercial property, it has to be designed properly. Poor design can cause structural failure. Poor design can lead to the accumulation of water behind the wall, leading to structural failure due to the accumulated hydrostatic pressure.

Part of the wall design is the type of plant life that are present in the surrounding gardens. It is not advisable to plant trees since their roots can expand and grow into the walls and jeopardize the structural integrity of the wall. Instead, you can plant small flowers and bushes to avoid compromising the wall.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are planning to construct a retaining wall for its aesthetic value, to provide drainage, or for soil retention, you have to use proper wall construction methods. You cannot afford to make a mistake working on such a huge project.

Commercial entities have one main goal; to maximize profits and minimize expenses. Therefore, make sure the construction of the retaining wall is cost-effective and not overly expensive.

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Top 6 Trend Predictions for the Bathroom in 2021

Trend #1: Luxurious marble features having a moment

  • Why?Dominic Lees-Bell, Interior Design Specialist at Drench states: “After spending so much time inside this year, it’s no wonder Brits want to make their home a haven. So, we do expect in 2021 Brits will be making their home luxurious as possible, with marble in the bathroom being the perfect antidote. You could go super sleek with marble and opt for a monochrome look. Or why not try making a statement with gold details that perfectly harmonise with neutral marble?”
  • Plus, marble is a beautiful element that compliments most bathroom styles: modern, classic, traditional and more – making it suitable for most people’s taste.
  • Drench’s sales info:Sales for marble features have increased by 366% in 2020.

Trend #2: Brits are bringing the outdoors in to relax more

  • Why?Whilst 2020 was largely spent indoors for many Brits, it appears that Brits have missed the outdoors so hope to bring it into their home designs. What’s more, natural features are perfect for enhancing a person’s wellbeing and creating a spa-like feel in the bathroom. If 2020 has taught us anything it’s the importance of self-care and rest.
  •‘s sales info:Sales for natural wood elements have increased by 197%, and waterfall taps by 77%.

Trend #3: Eco-friendly toilets are making a splash with trendsetters

  • Why?As consumers, we’re beginning to see the benefits (and necessities) of making more eco-friendly choices, and this shouldn’t stop when it comes to designing our dream bathroom.
  •‘s sales info:Sales for rimless toilets and flush plates are soaring, increasing by 189% in 2020. Not only do these types of toilets look more chic but they use significantly less water than traditional toilets.

Trend #4: Black features aren’t taking a back seat anytime soon

  • Why?Despite black features being a trend that emerged a few years ago, it seems that the power of Instagram and Pinterest has made them ever more popular. They’re here to stay in 2021.
  • To bring this trend into the New Year, Dominic Lees-Bell states: “we are particularly loving black fixtures against one of the top bathroom colours for 2021 – pink. But, even if you don’t want to be as daring with such a romantic colour, black really does work well with most colours, and can give that instant flair to your interiors.”
  •‘s sales info:Sales for black accessories and fixtures have seen a 123% growth in sales in 2020.

Trend #5: Get glam with brass bathroom details

  • Why?If black features aren’t your thing, brass is predicted to be a big bathroom trend in 2021. Not only does brass add an immediate warmth to cold bathrooms, but it’s the perfect complement to both the first bathroom trend (marble) and sixth (industrial)…
  •‘s sales info:Sales for brushed brass showers have increased by 160% in 2020. What’s more, searches for brass radiators have increased by a staggering 1,100% proving that even your heating can be hot on trend.

Trend #6: Industrial design is on the increase

  • Why?We may have Kim Kardashian to thank for this one after her stunning minimalist industrial bathroom gained a lot of traction online.
  • Dominic Lees-Bell states, “We expect to see concrete to be a huge trend that fits right into the industrial aesthetic. Industrial taps are an excellent way to get an instantly cool look. They are right on trend too, with a massive 400% increase in searches on our site. Or you could team concrete vanity units against a backdrop of a crisp white wall.”
  •‘s sales info:The term ‘industrial’ gained a 58% rise in searches in 2020.

Additional Findings: also surveyed Brits to reveal renovations they plan on tackling in their bathroom in the New Year. Their findings have revealed that:

  • The most popular goal Brits have in mind when renovating their bathroom is to ‘make it more modern’, with 47% of Brits stating this.
  • Comparatively, just 19% of Brits hope to improve the functionality of their bathroom – proving that modernity is more important than functionality.
  • Almost 1/4 (24%) of Brits plan on upgrading their bath and/or shower in 2021.
  • Blue is set to become the most popular colour for the bathroom in 2021 after gaining a 95% increase in searches on‘s site in 2021.
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Work begins on new business hub at Wirral Waters

Construction began this week on a new Grade A business hub located at No 1 Tower Road South at Peel L&P’s Wirral Waters.

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(Cllr Cherry Povall JP, Cllr Janette Williamson, James Whittaker Executive Development Director for Peel L&P, Cllr Anita Leech, and Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram at the ground breaking ceremony for hythe at Wirral Waters).

The new business hub, named Hythe – after the Old English for ‘a landing place or small harbour for ships or boats’ – is the first speculative office development in Birkenhead for a decade, offering over 25,000 sq ft of flexible, high-quality office space for local businesses.

The Hythe name has been chosen to describe this next generation office space, which uses contemporary design to maximise the health and wellbeing of customers, offering a haven for entrepreneurs in the heart of Wirral Waters.

Designed by the award-winning Glenn Howells Architects, Hythe is being constructed by GMI Construction with completion expected in late 2021. The business hub has been designed to set new standards in sustainability and will have a BREEAM-Excellent rating, placing it in the top 10% of all buildings for green credentials. Hythe has also been designed to accommodate the latest innovations in digital connectivity.

Hythe has been funded by Peel L&P, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) and the Merseyside Pension Fund advised by CBRE’s Investment Advisory team, part of CBRE Capital Advisors. The LCRCA funding comes via the Strategic Investment Fund to unlock job creation and to promote and accelerate economic growth for the Liverpool City Region.

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Commenting on the commencement of construction, Metro Mayor for the Liverpool City Region Steve Rotheram, said:

“We’ve invested in the Wirral Waters site to ensure that we’re able to keep offering outstanding facilities and as a catalyst to attract new businesses and jobs to the area.

“Not only will these new facilities be some of the most advanced office space in the region, they will also be some of the greenest and most sustainable.

“We will continue our investment programme to ensure our region has the best opportunity to emerge from Brexit and COVID to be in the best place possible to resist the economic aftershocks we will undoubtedly have to deal with.”

James Whittaker, Executive Development Director for Peel L&P, commented:

“We are very excited to have broken ground on another project at Wirral Waters. Hythe will offer companies a sustainable, green, well-connected place to do business, right in the heart of the UK’s biggest and most exciting regeneration project, Wirral Waters.”

Councillor Janette Williamson, Leader of Wirral Council, said:

“We are delighted to be associated with this innovative project. With the building work now underway, it is a clear signal that Wirral is open for business. We can meet the needs of forward-thinking enterprises which are looking for the right location, with the right property and infrastructure, to support their growth and underpin their environmental aspirations. Wirral is poised to undergo a considerable regeneration which will bring jobs, homes and leisure to our community and the development of Hythe is a significant step forward to achieving that ambition.”

Councillor Pat Cleary, Chair of Merseyside Pension Fund, said:

“This is an exciting project, and I am pleased that Merseyside Pension Fund has chosen to invest. This adds to our growing list of projects that support the economy on Merseyside. It is especially pleased to see that Hythe incorporates such strong environmental credentials into its design.”

Located next to the RIBA-Award winning Wirral Met Construction Campus, Hythe is the next development in the growing Four Bridges neighbourhood with the Kingsgate office complex and the proposed Maritime Knowledge Hub all within close proximity. Longer term, the Four Bridges neighbourhood will also be home to Egerton Village, a hub for retail, amenities and the arts.

Work on Hythe will run alongside the current streetscaping works on Tower Road South, which are anticipated to complete in March 2021.

About Peel L&P – Realising possibility

We are an ambitious regeneration business with generations of history, heritage and expertise in our DNA. First established in 1971, Peel L&P is now responsible for some of the most transformational development projects in the UK today.

Owning and managing 12 million sq ft of property and 20,000 acres of land and water, our holdings are concentrated in the north west of England, but we also own and manage significant assets throughout the UK with a total portfolio value of £2.6 billion.

As part of the Peel Group; we are integral to a business that strives to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Our legacy matters. We take great pride in the outcomes we achieve, the people we work with, the way we go about our business and the transformational projects we deliver.

Our specialist teams have a proven track record in delivering high-quality, legacy projects across land, property, water and airspace. This includes airports, hotels, waterways, media hubs, event spaces, leisure facilities, retail, workspaces, residential development, industrial & logistical space, public realm, historic gardens and the renewable energy sector. We also believe a prosperous future depends on our ability to harness nature to create sustainable growth.

We reuse, repurpose and re-energise natural resources to develop and maintain vital infrastructure across the UK. From wind power, to waterways, to waste-to-fuel solutions, we own and operate assets, manage resources and develop energy solutions to serve our communities and our partners.

Through market-leading solutions, we support government and local authorities to reach their carbon reduction and waste management targets. We help businesses to achieve their commercial goals while managing the transition towards net-zero carbon. We engage local communities and support them in their ambition to thrive by re-energising regional economies.

Peel L&P is an agile and ambitious business with a legacy of success for a long-term sustainable future.

We see possibility. We deliver transformation.

For more information visit: or follow us on Twitter: @PeelLandP

About Wirral Waters

Wirral Waters is a 500-acre site comprising former dockland which Peel inherited following the acquisition of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company in 2005.

Peel has launched a 30-year strategy which will see Wirral Waters become one of the largest regeneration projects in the UK.

It will transform the derelict site into a sustainable location for local and international businesses, creating more than 20,000 permanent jobs for the Liverpool City Region, as well as offering new housing opportunities.

The Wirral Waters project is supported by central government and was designated Enterprise Zone status in 2011 – one of the first four Enterprise Zones in the UK and known as the Mersey Waters Enterprise Zone.

About the Local Growth Fund

Local Enterprise Partnerships are playing a vital role in driving forward economic growth across the country, helping to build a country that works for everyone.

That’s why by 2021 Government will have invested over £12bn through the Local Growth Fund, allowing LEPs to use their local knowledge to get all areas of the country firing on all cylinders.

For more information visit:

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