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10 Worst Construction Pitfalls to Avoid

Mistakes made at any point during a construction project can have significant impacts. Some, however, can be much more severe than others and may result in a project going over its estimate or failing altogether. Fortunately, if you know common construction mistakes, you can more effectively anticipate and avoid them.

These are 10 of the worst construction pitfalls, plus the ways they impact projects and methods for how any construction company can avoid them:

1. Neglected Safety Measures

Despite advancements over the past few decades, construction remains one of the most dangerous professions in America, according to data from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Heights, heavy objects and machinery all contribute to the potential dangers of a construction site.

Skimping on safety measures is unlikely to save time in the long run, as accidents are costly regarding both time and money.

2. Poor Client Communication

If a contractor doesn’t frequently communicate with their client for the entirety of a project, they’re much more likely to not fulfill client needs. Projects that aren’t up to a client’s standards may need unplanned adjustments, increasing the risk of failure.

3. Increasing Scope Creep

Scope creep is the gradual expansion of a project’s specifications, and it can have serious consequences for any construction project. What begins as a minor renovation slowly grows into a major construction job. As the project’s scope expands, more planning needs to be done.

Because this planning happens during construction, it’s less likely to be comprehensive and accurate. Crucial project elements may be overlooked, material estimates come up short and, eventually, the project starts to run over the budget or schedule.

Keeping the project scope tight and defined can help prevent this issue.

4. Lack of Communication From Managers

Regular communication between managers or supervisors and their workers is essential. Any changes to procedure or project specs should be communicated quickly to workers on-site — otherwise, you run the risk of having employees build structures based on out-of-date plans.

5. Inaccurate Estimates

An inaccurate estimate of project cost, time or materials can easily create issues for any project. Spending additional time on estimates and using more accurate estimation methods will ensure your budget and timeline are reasonable. That way, you can avoid extra expenses or expanded project times.

6. Unclear Roles

On-site workers and supervisors should know which work responsibilities they have at every step of the project. Otherwise, the site will be much more difficult to coordinate, and you may risk staff staying idle when work needs to be done because they’re unsure about their roles.

7. Wrong Materials

Material choice is a critical decision for every construction project. Familiarity with construction materials is essential. For example, you should be relatively confident in knowing the advantages of concrete over other materials or understanding which sustainable materials you have access to.

The wrong material in the wrong place can make a project much more challenging to complete.

8. Unreliable Staff

Project estimates rely on reasonable guesses about how productive workers will be. As a result, employees who fail to show up can quickly cause major issues for a project.

When hiring workers or selecting subcontractors for a project, you should know whether they are reliable before the job begins. Reviews from other project managers who have worked with a subcontractor before, for example, can give you valuable information to learn from.

9. Insufficient Cash Flow

Without money, a construction project is likely stuck. A construction company should always be aware of ongoing costs, cash on hand and potential risks that may disrupt their cash flow. Their project budgets should be made with that information in mind. Otherwise, that company may find itself mid-project with less money than it needs for labor and materials.

10. Overlooked Warning Signs

Often, numerous warning signs precede project failure — like unexpected site conditions and labor shortages. It’s impossible to see every failure coming, but keeping on top of site conditions can often help you stay aware of potential issues. Regular site reports can help any company anticipate possible roadblocks and prepare for issues like flooding or unusual site terrain.

Navigating Around the Worst Construction Pitfalls

These construction pitfalls can cause serious issues for any project, but you can almost always avoid them if you know they may be a problem. Consistent communication between all parties involved in a project, accurate estimates and effective planning will usually be enough to help you avoid these roadblocks — or at least know they’re coming.

About the Author: Emily is a green tech writer who covers topics in renewable energy and

sustainable design. You can read more of her work on her blog, Conservation Folks.

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Reasons to Buy Used Forklifts for the Construction Industry

The construction industry is full of heavy work, that is for sure. It is also prone to accidents that can result in damaged equipment. With equipment in the construction industry being so highly priced, it is no wonder builders and other tradesmen dread buying new. This is especially the case with forklifts which, when buying new, can cost upwards of £30,000. Like buying a car, however, opting to go for a used forklift can save you a lot of money and can also result in you having a vehicle that is fit for your requirements. This article will explore why construction professionals should opt for used forklifts when it comes to buying anything for heavy material handling.

Lower Costs Upfront

The most obvious reason is of course lower cost when buying the vehicle. As mentioned in the introduction, buying new can be expensive and doesn’t necessarily guarantee a better unit for your money. If you opt to go for a reliable, trustworthy used forklift dealership that has units that are suitable for construction sites you should definitely consider buying used. Any reputable used forklift dealer will honestly inform you of how your business could benefit from used forklift.

Available Parts at Low Costs

When buying new it can be difficult to get spare parts for the unit due to there being less of the model manufactured and therefore less demand. When buying used, however, it is a lot easier to get the parts you need and within a short period of time. This means you will be able to get your unit back up and running without any stressful conversations about how this part isn’t available at this time. Whilst no one wants to buy spare parts such as new tyres, it is inevitably going to happen in the construction industry. So it is best to be prepared and to think about these things when making a buying decision.

No Manufacturing Waiting Period

Working in the construction industry means you need to be fast and responsive. This is another reason why used forklift trucks are the perfect option to buy. When buying new you will be left with a long manufacturing period as the units are typically manufactured especially for you. When buying used, however, you get a perfectly good unit that is ready to use without any down time. So if you’re a building company that does not have a forklift but suddenly requires one for a contract you have won, think about buying a used fork truck before looking at new forklifts as you will get the unit much faster meaning there is no delay for the project.

Already has High Specs

Often, the best specs come at a cost – especially when buying new. When buying used, however, you will benefit from high specs at low prices as the forklift will already have them included. Often or not within the construction industry you will require a forklift for lifting heavy bricks onto high areas. You may also need one for lifting items onto the back of lorries. If you can do this whilst enjoying a more ergonomic chair thanks to the already installed add-on, you’re onto a winner.

Lower insurance Premiums

Buying used will mean your unit is valued less in terms of money. It does not mean it is any less valuable to you, however you will benefit from lower insurance premiums due to the lower price tag. As an investment, this is ideal and if you buy from a trusted dealer you will have a forklift that will function for many years.

Less Likely to Require More Training

If you have an employee who knows how to operate a forklift, it is best to go with a used model. A used model is more likely easier to operate than used models as they have less new specifications. Buying new may require additional training or at least valuable time being spent reading the manual to understand operation areas of the unit. Whilst it is good to learn how to use new models, it is more efficient and better for time if you already know what you’re doing. This is especially so when you’re buying a forklift under the pressure of a timescale.

Depreciation Has Already Occured

There is nothing more frustrating than buying something that is expensive for it to only lose value from the second it leaves the showroom. This is why buying used is the best option for anyone working in the construction industry. Depreciation has already occurred so you won’t have to feel the effect of this.

When all said and done, most used forklifts will be in full working condition. They have to pass the LOLER and PUWER inspection so you know they will be safe to use. Be smart when buying equipment for the construction industry and be sure to buy within your own budget.

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