Surveyor Link Limited

IR35 – Are You In or Out?

Updated 4th July, 2020

One of the most common concerns for contractors in the UK is their employment status and this is monitored by HMRC using the IR35 calculator. Whether a contractor falls inside or outside IR35 legislation will have a major impact on how much tax they pay. Complications arise for independent contractors because different jobs require different contracts and sometimes these contracts will tread a fine line between being inside or outside of IR35. It can be pretty confusing, but if an independent contractor pays attention to a few key areas they should be able figure out how IR35 affects them.

IR35 was put in place in 2000 to prevent employees posing as contractors for tax reasons. Prior to IR35 it would have been possible for someone to leave their job on a Friday, set themselves up as an independent contractor over the weekend, then return to do the same job on Monday; while paying a lot less tax without having to take any of the actual risks a genuine independent contractor would.

Outside IR35

If a contractor is genuinely independent then it is likely they are outside IR35 legislation and entitled to label themselves as such; allowing the appropriate tax breaks to apply. To be safely outside IR35 legislation a contractor will typically have to be:

– Paid a set amount for a specific job

– Responsible for providing their own equipment

– Financially responsible for the quality of their work and the time it takes to complete

– Be in control of what work is done and when

This is the level of responsibility that HMRC would deem appropriate for an independent contractor. By falling outside of IR35 a contractor will pay 22% corporation tax but avoid 40% PAYE and NI at varying rates dependent on the job; so you can see why falling outside of IR35 is appealing to contractors.

Inside IR35

To be “inside” IR35 legislation is to be subject to its terms and conditions. If a contractor is inside IR35 legislation they are technically classed as an employee and as such are due to pay regular NI and PAYE contributions. HMRC will consider a contractor to be inside IR35 if any of the following apply:

– The contractor cannot work independently (i.e. they have a boss)

– The contractor is not paying for their own tools or equipment

– There is no financial risk (the contractor gets paid a wage regardless of results)

– The contractor is paid a wage, given contributions to a pension or has paid holidays

– The contractor works a fixed amount of hours

Any of the following criteria would see a contractor classed as an employee. If the criteria above apply then it would unadvisable to claim independent contractor status because an HMRC investigation would likely judge the contractor as fraudulent. The punishment can be a fine of between 30-100% of the PAYE and NI avoided; the severity of the fine depending on whether the contractor’s false status is deemed to be careless, negligent or deliberate.


There are no hard rules regarding IR35 but if HMRC demand proof of a contractor’s IR35 status they are likely to consider the key points mentioned above. The contractor will also have to provide evidence that they are operating within the approved guidelines. If a contractor is still unsure then an increasing number of small business accountants that specialise in contract accounting are available to advise them on how their work relates to IR35.

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Tips on How to Select Modern Skirting Boards for Your Home

Contemporary interiors call for décor that’s minimal yet chic. Skirting is a simple way to facelift the floors, walls, doors, and windows of your house. Investing in such interior moldings not only perks up the home interiors but simultaneously hides any construction flaws that would otherwise surface along the walls, floor, or other visible areas in your house.

The growing demand for such smart hacks to refurbish the house has resulted in a flood of skirting ideas in the market. This can be daunting; especially if this is the first time you are planning to get it done. We have made it easy with a few handy tips. For those you want to spruce up their home, you must have a look at the modern skirting board designs that can elegantly enliven your living space. Making the right choice can give your house a long-lasting finish.

Things to consider when deciding on the skirting designs

Skirting isn’t as elaborate as painting the house or deconstructing and rebuilding walls, but it does involve a fair amount of labor in removing the old one and cladding it anew. Depending on your budget, you can either invest in low-budget skirting or opt for lavish ones.

It isn’t unusual to find children scraping the boards with toys or colors. Sometimes pets could also playfully make scratch marks on the boards. Investing in simple skirts that can be easily replaced would make a sensible choice in such cases. All you would need is to pick a design that complements the overall scheme of your interiors.

Start by asking yourself why you want to install new skirts and which type would befit your needs and preference. You might simply consider updating the existing design by little touch-ups or have a completely new design.

If you decide on a design overhaul so that your space looks completely new, you might need to look at the details. For instance, make sure to get a gauge of what dimensions would go best with your home. Also, consider the texture, material, etc.

What do modern skirting boards look like?

Well, these are usually slenderer with lesser details than their classic counterparts. The modern boards can be done using simple shapes. You can keep the theme linear through the architraves to the doors.

For the color, you can either leave them natural or paint the skirting boards to match the wall color. The latte style does render a contemporary feel to the whole thing. However, if you don’t want the boards to vanish into the walls, a polished timber board can make the board stand out. Find check ideas on how you can paint your skirting boards at

Why does the size matter?

The height of the skirting is an important factor that needs to be kept in mind. An overtly smaller or bigger design can ruin the theme of your home décor. Common modern styles include square-edged designs, bullnose skirts, and a variety of sleek designs.

A house with more members or frequent visitors might be better off with a skirting that’s taller than the standard-sized ones. This would act as a shield saving your paint or wallpaper from any external damage.

Make sure that the boards don’t look out of proportion. Take the size of your room into consideration when deciding on the skirts. For instance, taller boards go well with higher ceilings and vice-versa. This helps in maintaining a visual balance in the room.

Skirting boards are priced differently and that can make a big difference to its quality as well. When buying them include both the cost of purchase and fitting into consideration. Also, some designs and profiles demand higher maintenance such as Timber. On an average, MDF boards are prone to warping faster. They can develop cracks although they make a relatively pocket-friendly option to go with.

It’s best to discuss the pros and cons of specific fittings with your store to prevent unpleasant surprises. Seek two to three quotations from your local vendor to ensure you are the highest quality of skirts at the best price. If you think the job needs expertise and isn’t your thing, hiring a professional would be a good idea.

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Record month for Permaroof Company during the Corona Virus Crisis

The company Permaroof has announced that in the middle of this crisis they have just achieved their best months of trading activity.

Unlike most businesses that have suffered greatly due to this pandemic, Permaroof had their most successful May and June trading months. Their success has been due to a rapid response to the Corona Virus crisis, whilst continuing to invest and diversify their products and services.

They enjoyed an increase of 26 percent in sales in May, and a shocking 89 percent increase when comparing June 2020 to the previous year. Permaroof are on track for their top annual performance to date, with an estimated 24000 completed orders expected.

Permaroof’s MD Adrian Buttress has been quoted saying:

“Despite the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic – such as supply issues, merchants closing, and roofing projects being delayed or put on hold – our team has managed to buck the trend and deliver amazing results that are a true testament to the service it offers, as well as the strong relationships we have with customers nationwide.”

One of the newly launched products that has helped with the companies better than expected data is a cleaning spray that allows customers to disinfect their work environment, whilst increasing their focus on marketing.

Andrew Buttress (MD) continued to mention that

“Clear communication to both staff and customers has been vital. Pushing forward with marketing has allowed us to do this while reinforcing our brand and putting out messages of stock availability at a really important time. I have no doubt that this has been crucial to breaking our sales records during the UK lockdown.

“I hope that our success proves that there is still opportunity out there for UK SMEs and that the building and construction sector is ready to bounce back and thrive. We’re certainly committed to supporting both the contractors and merchants we work with and hope that the next quarter is as positive for them all.”

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£5BN Injection into the UK Construction Industry

Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister has introduced plans to help stimulate and boost the nations’ construction industry. After one of the most serious industry downturns due to Coivd-19, this news has been welcomed by most – but will it be enough?

The initial plans outlined the “Build, Build and Build” scheme, which is to focus on industrial projects. But today this has been revised to the “Repair, Repair, Repair” as looking to focus on the nations infrastructures such as roads, rail lines and hospitals. However, surprisingly there has been now additional funds injected for house building projects – although this may be change and be introduced in the upcoming months.

It is thought that the level of spending per person in the UK would equate to approximately £100 per person. It is hoped that these funds will help kick start the construction industry and encourage firms to invest in training and development of existing employees. Without a scheme such as this, the likelihood of mass redundancies and continued furloughed staff is certainly on the horizon.

Boris Johnson has also reminded the public about his government plans to build and deliver a 40 new NHS hospitals over the next 10 years. It has been mentioned that in order for these to have the positive impact on the wider economy that these projects need to be started this year.

In the Prime Ministers true fashion, he has also spoken of “Shovel ready local grown projects” to help pick up the economy of local towns across the nation. Spending plans for the High Street, pubs and bars will surely be welcomed across the nation

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Lunch is back on – Construction sites canteens reopen

After several months of bringing a packed lunch, (or simply going hungry) construction sites are now allowed to reopen their canteens.

Sites have now been given the go-ahead from the government to start serving lunches to their workforce again.

Over the Covid shutdown building sites were generally kept open, but their facilities to provide food and refreshments to staff was almost completely stopped. There were a few exceptions to the rule, but almost all staff canteens have been collecting dust for the last several months.

The Construction Leadership Council has now issued revised its revised construction site guidelines, which have been updated since the last government changes to social distancing rules.

The new 1m + rules have allowed for the relaxing of the staff canteen rules and regulations. It is important to note that the 2 metre rule is still advised where possible, but in instances where this is not feasible it has been updated to one metre plus.

The other updates made to Version 5 of Site Operating Procedures are minimal, with advise to reduce lift capacity, using private transportation for commuting where possible, and some small changes to entry system cleaning regulations.

Paul Reeve from the Trade body ECA has stated that: “The practical implications of the latest SOP updates will come out in the wash. However, version 5 mainly reflects recent changes to government guidance to industry on social distancing, which includes ‘maintain two meters, or one metre with risk mitigation where two metres in not viable’.

“Many construction businesses are already using mitigating measures when doing essential work within two metres, and so the changes underline the need for mitigation at closer proximity, based on risk assessment.”

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TRA backs Boris to build, build, build

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday of a major investment in construction and infrastructure to help boost economic recovery, Nick Boulton, chief executive of the Trussed Rafter Association (TRA) said:

“This announcement couldn’t have come at a better time. As the construction industry is getting back on its feet, it is good to know the Government is prepared to spend where necessary and make good on its earlier promises.

“As originally set out in the Budget in March, the £12bn allocated for affordable homes will really help the current situation and the sooner it can be accessed the better. We do not know how long this virus will be part of our lives and so we should start building the safe, affordable homes that create greater resilience, and allow social distancing, as soon as possible. The Brownfield Land Fund is also important to bring much-needed new homes to city locations.

“As a membership body within the construction supply chain, our members need to see a clear pipeline of demand to give them the confidence to protect jobs, take on apprentices and continue their own investment plans. A confirmed commitment to deliver 180,000 affordable homes will help to support that confidence and deliver some of the much needed safe homes, that through this crisis, many of us have come to rediscover as the essential foundation in our lives.”

Provided by Nick Boulton, chief executive of the Trussed Rafter Association (TRA)

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