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Choosing a Perfect Office Fit Out

Whether your team has grown or you’re simply moving to another location, you’ve decided to have an office fit out. Congrats, this is a big decision. But it’s only the beginning of the process.

Next, you’ve got to consider what functionalities you need, what could make your employees more productive, and, most importantly, the size of the budget.

All of which leads to the question of choosing between a Cat A and Cat B fit out.

What Is a Category A Office Fit Out?

Category A is more basic than Category B, and is often seen as preparation for a Cat B office fit out. If you’re moving your premises into a new building, or a building that hasn’t been used in a while, you need a Cat A fit out to make it suitable for your activities.

The first phase is installing mechanical and electrical services, providing you with lighting and air conditioning. This type is suitable for those who want to create their own space. If you’re working in a creative industry, you may love the challenge. On the other hand, if you’re a highly practical person, you may prefer to have it all done by the company you’ve hired.

Therefore, you can’t expect a lot of furniture, but you should expect things like painted walls, grid ceilings, raised metal flooring, toilets, etc. If you’re a landlord who owns an office building, this may be a good solution for you. That way, you’re allowing each tenant to customize their working space. We could assume that if it’s an established company, they already have some furniture that serves their purposes.

Of course, some building companies offer new office equipment, tailored made for your business. So you could opt for types like A+ which is in between.

What Is a Category B Office Fit Out?

Category B is a much more detailed process. By choosing this option, you can get professionals to create an optimal office fit out. London residents often don’t have enough time to design their offices and think about all details. They prefer to get furnished offices, so they don’t waste their precious time moving things around.

It’s essential to choose a building company that you can trust to create a space tailored-made for your business. You should look for a company that asks many additional questions and pays attention to your needs. Of course, they could suggest some solutions from their broad experience, but your opinion matters as well.

Their first task is to shape the interior spaces and construct different rooms if they aren’t any. It also includes creating special areas, such as a small kitchen or a staff room. Some of the things that often come with Cat B office fit outs are tiles and parquet flooring, doors, furniture, and decorations.

If you want to go beyond with your office fit out, London companies also offer a branded fit out. This is essential for those who need to impress their business partners and customers. Never underestimate the power of interiors.

Which One Is Better?

Some businesses opt for Category A because they assume it’s more cost-effective. And yes, it can seem much cheaper, but don’t forget that you still have to do all other things if you want to create a usable space. This option can work for those who already have office furniture, and just have basic requirements.

On the other hand, Category B doesn’t have to be that expensive either. Remember that you can choose materials and brands, and it’s always possible to find something that fits into your budget. Another important factor is time. If you need to have your office ready, a Category B fit out is a much faster solution than furnishing it yourself.

What Do Your Employees Need?

Some business owners forget to ask their employees what they need, and they spend a small fortune creating a space that turns out to be little more than functional. That’s why it’s essential to talk to your employees and ask them what kind of space they want. Remember that a working area has a high impact on both motivation and productivity.