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Roofing Technology Advancements

Roofing systems have undergone lots of transformation over the years. The basic function of a roof is to provide a covering for your home, protecting it from external factors. With time, however, roofing technology has evolved substantially, and new roofing systems can carry out other extended functions.

Investing in a new roof is a worthy course. If the roof comes with the latest technology, you are set to enjoy such benefits as a longer lifespan, resistance to harsh weather, and energy efficiency. These innovations and many more technological advancements are slowly taking over the roofing industry. Here are some cool advancements in roofing systems:

Photo by Evan Dvorkin on Unsplash

Green Roofing

The term ‘green roofing’ is used to refer to any roofing system that promotes energy efficiency. For instance, there are new roofing systems that reflect sunlight and absorb less heat. Such cool roofs reduce or completely eliminate the need for cooling and air-conditioning systems in your home. The homeowner would be able to increase their savings since energy bills are bound to reduce.

Cool roof technology can be used in various ways. It is basically fitted with a reflective coating material that enables it to reflect more heat from the sun away from your home as opposed to absorbing the heat. The extent to which the roof reflects sunlight is heavily dependent on the type of material and the roofing manufacturer. Have a look at these coating options for asphalt roofs.

Before installing a cool roof on your home, consider the location of your home. It is a superb choice for the summer but can turn into bad news if your area experiences harsh winter conditions. Consult your roofing contractor for them to advise you on how to go about your choice of a cool roof.

Fireproof Roofing Technology

Improved technology has seen the introduction of roofing options that increase protection from fires to roof types that are susceptible to fires such as wooden shakes. Even though metal roofs are noncombustible, they can make a fire fiercer by trapping heat within the home.

Fireproof coatings have been introduced to roofing structures to prevent them from catching fire easily and by extension provide some level of protection to homes against fires. Some solid fireproof roofs are constructed using tiles, asphalt shingles, and slate.

If you live in an area where home fires are a common occurrence, you may want to consider installing this type of roof. The materials used to construct them are designed to slow down flames. Inasmuch as a fireproof roof does not promise total protection from fires, it at least assures you that the fire damage would be reduced in case of a fire outbreak.

The most recent innovation in fireproofing of roofs is the introduction of volcanic rock. Fires spread due to exothermic reactions. Volcanic rock ordinarily requires more energy compared to other materials for it to react. Therefore, more heat energy is used to cause the reaction, and the heat is consequently drawn into the volcanic rock, hence preventing the further spread of the fire. This innovation is still in its formative stages.

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Flat Roofs

Flat roofs have for a long time been common among commercial property owners. In the past few years, and of course, with the advancement of new technology, they have been introduced to the residential sector. Homeowners prefer them to their sloped counterparts because of their aesthetics— they are quite pleasant to look at.

The most common roofing materials used for flat roofs are Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). These materials are tough enough to protect your home from external weather elements while still producing aesthetic value.

Flat roofs, if well-designed and constructed, are ideal for any weather condition. Flat roofs are less prone to mold infestation and leaks, and their maintenance is not so expensive.

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Roofing Insulation

Roofing insulation solutions are provided depending on the home’s thermal needs, and to satisfy the applicable energy codes. The advancement of roofing systems has brought with it the convenience of having insulation as part and parcel of the roof assembly.

Modern-day roofing insulation has been advanced by the introduction of carefully woven roofing materials such as polymeric materials and glass fiber. When fibrous materials are woven together devoid of gaps, they form a tight membrane that acts as an insulation.

Other insulation types utilized in roofing systems include wood fiber, extruded polystyrene, gypsum board, and perlite.

Blue Roof Technology

Blue roofs are gaining popularity as a cost-effective alternative for rooftop stormwater management. On these roofing structures, stormwater is detained then released slowly over a period of time. If designed well, blue roofs help reduce stormwater peak flows and the volume of runoff by allowing the stormwater to evaporate into the environment.

Due to the increased weight of stormwater, blue roof technology can only be applied on buildings that have a structure strong enough to sustain the additional weight. Blue roofs are ideally flat roofs. Besides structural capacity, other factors that determine the design option of a blue roof are the type and slope of the roof, the prevailing climate, and the regulatory requirements.

Blue roof configurations include modular tray systems that are weighed down with ballast, roof drains that restrict flow, and check dams.


Now that you know about advanced roofing technologies available in the market, do not hesitate to upgrade your roof into one of them. Whether you want to replace your entire roofing system or you want to carry out a few repairs, fix your eyes on the newest technologies and enjoy the benefits that come with them.

Whether you want an energy-efficient roof, or a blue roof, or one that would insulate your home or a roofing system that would protect your home from fire, consult with your roofing contractor for the best roofing solution.

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How to Bring Charm to Your House’s Exterior

Improving the charm of your home’s exterior is pivotal for the first impression that your home makes. Second, the majority of exterior upgrades also improve the energy-efficiency of your home. It means that it might even create a solid ROI. For those who might consider selling their place and relocating in the nearest future, it’s important to stress out how most of these upgrades increase the resale value of the place, as well. Overall, bringing charm to your house’s exterior is an idea that benefits you in many different ways. Here are several ways how.

  1. Redo your façade

Those who are willing to invest in improving their home’s exterior really can’t go wrong with redoing their façade. There are many different ideas you can try out here. For instance, you can just repaint it or invest more heavily to give it a more textured look. Keep in mind that the façade needs to be in agreement with the rest of your home and your property for that matter. So, try to visualize the entirety of the end results in time.

  1. Invest in your roof

Another thing you need to consider is investing in the restoration of your roof. While this is an expensive upgrade, now it might be the right time to think about it. Why? Well, the demand for roofing crews and materials is lower than ever before. Due to COVID-19, the roof covering market dropped by 20%. A low demand lowers the price, which is why, by the time you plan all of this out and do the budgeting, the prices may enter the range that you find acceptable. Other than just being a valuable surface for your home’s exterior, it’s also a functional upgrade that keeps your house safe and boosts its energy-efficiency.

  1. Pressure washing

The next idea is to consider pressure washing your façade. It is a cheap and efficient manner that always gives the desired result. Simply put, a pressure washer is relatively inexpensive to hire, especially for a day, and it can scrub years and even decades of dirt from your home’s walls. Keep in mind that your walls aren’t the only thing that you can wash. While you have the pressure washer, you should also consider washing the driveway. A pressure washer can do wonders with the concreate. It is also what makes it a good idea for washing the sidewalk next to your home.

  1. Rendering and cladding

That is one of the most expensive ideas in terms of enhancing the charm of your home’s exterior. However, it also makes it more resistant to rain, hailstorm and snow. That is something that you do once, and the impressive results remain to return years and years in the future. There are various house rendering techniques, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Each rendering drastically changes the exterior of your home, which is yet another thing to take into consideration. Traditional cement rendering is one of the most sparing options, yet, it is still quite fruitful.

  1. Landscaping

A single tree in your front yard can increase the resale value of the home by several thousand dollars. Still, it might take ages for a tree to fully matures. So, what are some ideas that may give you an instant reward? Instead of trees, you can consider various sorts of shrubs. The effect can be just as impressive. Raised flower beds in your front yard are also known to give a majestic result. Then, there’s the matter of providing your garden with privacy in one of several ways. You can build a fence, or you can plant a hedge. Lastly, having a well-maintained lawn can make all the difference in the world.

  1. Installing new windows

Another thing you need to consider is replacing your external windows. Before you proceed, you need to understand two things. First, replacing windows is a crucial investment, but it’s an investment that pays itself off. According to some estimates, new double-glazing windows can save $200 – $300 per year. Still, this depends on the overall energy-efficiency of your home and the climate in the area. The overall impression of your home will be quite remarkable, as well. A new façade won’t look nearly as impressive with old windows still in place.

  1. Numerous minor details

There are so many little things you can do, in order to enhance the impression that the exterior of your home makes. For instance, you can start by buying a custom home number in order to set your home apart. Then, you can get yourself a new mailbox. Lastly, you can enhance your door with an item as simple and inexpensive as a wreath. All in all, investments in these details definitely won’t make a dent in your budget, but they do have a way of making a difference.

  1. Focus on the entryway

Lastly, you need to transform your entryway into a portal to another realm – a realm where you are the absolute sovereign. There are several fascinating ideas to explore here. You can start by improving your walkway or stairs with some paving stones. Also, you can repaint your front door and do some detailing on it. A new lock is both a security measure and an aesthetic upgrade, which means that it’s an investment that rewards you double-fold.

In conclusion

At the end of the day, you need to understand that improving your home’s exterior isn’t a single action or even a single project. Like creating a masterpiece, it’s a matter of doing many small things right. Now, the majority of the above-listed upgrades aren’t exactly small, and by trying to do them all at once, you might seriously dent your budget. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it all at once. Seeing as how the effects of some of these projects last for years and decades, you can feel free to schedule these works over the course of the next several years. This way, you get to execute this plan as painlessly as possible.

Author bio:

Alison Pearson is an interior design student. She is a content creator, but her ultimate passion is design and creation. She is also a bibliophile and her favourite book is “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner. Follow her on Twitter.

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Rhino reveals fire door with industry leading heat radiation performance

One of the UK’s leading designers, manufacturers and installers of engineered doors has this week released test results which suggest an ‘industry changing’ fire door could soon be coming to market.

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The initial and full-scale tests were carried out on Rhino’s new range of El2 rated, insulated fire doors, achieving significant overruns on both integrity and insulation exposure time targets, with the overrun in particular generating a high degree of optimism that the much more demanding performance required for an El2120 rated product will be met on further tests.

So, what does this mean for specifiers, architects and others who select portal and entry solutions for buildings?

All fire doors must achieve integrity (‘E’) ratings to prevent the passage of flames and hot gases from the fire side to the unexposed ‘fire free’ side of the door. These ratings sit on a graded basis against elapsed time periods; the higher the rating, the longer the door has prevented the passage of flames and hot gases to the unexposed side of the door.

However, there is an additional to threat to life other than fire and smoke: radiated heat.

Radiated heat poses a serious fatality threat. A report by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP)[i] found that fatalities will occur when individuals are exposed to radiated heat above 6 kW/m2. As radiated heat and exposure time increase, so does the certainty of fatalities. Exposure to radiated heat at 35 kW/m2results in instant death.

(The tests demonstrated the superior performance of Rhino’s new insulated fire door compared to the current market leader).

The results of Rhino’s recent tests saw the radiated heat level (measured at 1,000mm), being 50% lower than the results achieved by the current market leading El door.

As a result, when Rhino’s new El rated fire door comes to market, it will offer the best possible protection against radiated heat than any other fire door available.

Commenting on the results of the tests, and the potential industry wide implications, Dr. Chris Norris, Chief Engineer and Director of Rhino Doors, said:

“These tests have delivered very promising results. Our special projects team has been hard at work to develop a door which can deliver industry changing fire safety results. The ability of our door to withstand significant levels of heat radiation will literally have lifesaving results.

“Insulated steel fire doors are best practice; life safety products and our latest product will offer the most protection on the market yet. If you are ever trapped against a steel fire door that is containing a fire, your chances of surviving are significantly improved if it is a Rhino insulated fire door.”

Rhino’s new El rated insulated steel fire door is expected to go into production this summer.

About Rhino Doors

Rhino Doors provides a comprehensive range of pre-engineered and bespoke, primary and multi-performance rated doors for the protection of national assets. Rhino Doors has over 25 years’ experience in supporting projects in key sectors including Critical National Infrastructure, Rail, Defence and Oil & Gas. Major infrastructure projects supported by Rhino Doors include Crossrail. Find out more at:


OGP Risk Assessment Data Directory, Report No. 434-14.

Further reading:

Interserve News

Roof construction

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Brush up your environmental knowledge with HBK’s spring webinars

HBK’s free online courses available now

UK, February 2021

HBK’s free, online training sessions, run by its technical experts, cover a variety of topics – from general acoustic, environmental and occupational noise to more specialised product training.

During this month, attendees can join an introductory session to the company’s Measurement Partner Suite, which covers handling data management and transfer, display, archives, export and post-processing.

For acousticians seeking guidance on sound and impact insulation measurements that meet current standards, HBK will run two Building Acoustics webinars, to cover this topic in March.

Users of HBK’s latest sound level meter – B&K 2245 – can benefit from webinars dedicated to helping them get the most from this tool. The sessions include Environmental Measurements with 2245 and Noise at Work Measurements with 2245. The B&K 2245 is class 1 sound level meter which offers easy-to-use applications and functionality. It can be tailored for specific jobs across a wide range of industries and users, from simple noise complaint investigations by local authorities, to more specialised tasks such as exhaust noise testing.

More information about the company’s B&K 2245 is available here:

HBK’s full webinar calendar is available on the company’s website:

Further Reading:

Interserve PLC news

How to construct a flat roof

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Aggregate Industries achieves ISO 9001 accreditation for another three years

Leading construction materials supplier Aggregate Industries has been re-certified for another three years of ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS), after being recognised for continually improving effectiveness and efficiencies across the business.

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognised QMS standard which is designed to help business plan, monitor and manage business quality and identify areas for improvement. Following the audit, the British Standards Institution (BSI) has recommended that Aggregate Industries be re-certified, after it found the firm to have zero non-conformances.

Being certified with ISO 9001, Aggregate Industries will continue to be in a position to display strong corporate governance, work effectively with stakeholders and the supply chain and be even more resilient as a business.

Guy Edwards, Chief Executive Officer at Aggregate Industries UK, said: “This is a great achievement for the business and we thank all those involved in the re-certification. Constantly improving our processes in order to run efficiently aligns with our business objectives and we will continue to work to the best standard possible – with our customers always at the heart of what we do.”

The news follows on from Aggregate Industries receiving the ISO 45001 Standard in Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems certification in July 2020 and ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems certification in March 2020, after demonstrating a company-wide commitment to energy efficiency.

For more information about Aggregate Industries, visit

*The re-certification covers all of Aggregate Industries UK apart from its ready mix business which is certified by a different body.

About Aggregate Industries

Aggregate Industries is a leading player in the construction and infrastructure industries. It produces and supplies a wide range of construction materials including aggregates, asphalt, ready-mixed concrete and precast concrete products. It also produces, imports and supplies cementitious materials and offers a national road surfacing and contracting service.

It prides itself on best practice in sustainability having become the first company to be certificated to BES 6001, The Framework Standard for the Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products, developed by the BRE (Building Research Establishment) and a founding member of the UK Green Building Council. Aggregate Industries is a proud member of the LafargeHolcim Group.

More information is available on

About LafargeHolcim

As the world’s global leader in building solutions, LafargeHolcim is reinventing how the world builds to make it greener and smarter for all. On its way to becoming a net zero company, LafargeHolcim offers global solutions such as ECOPact, enabling carbon-neutral construction. With its circular business model, the company is a global leader in recycling waste as a source of energy and raw materials through products like Susteno, its leading circular cement. Innovation and digitalization are at the core of the company’s strategy, with more than half of its R&D projects dedicated to greener solutions. LafargeHolcim’s 70,000 employees are committed to improving quality of life across more than 70 markets through its four business segments: Cement, Ready-Mix Concrete, Aggregates and Solutions & Products.

More information is available on

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Choosing Professionals for Generator Services and Generator Repairs

If you operate an industry, a business, or a manufacturing firm, a power outage could create an inconvenience. Also, your family could face some difficulties when there is no power supply at home. Thus, having a solid generator set in your home or firm is a prime necessity.

When you use a generator, the problem that may arise due to a power outage will be resolved to an extent. However, there are periods when some issues could make your generator break down. Under such circumstances, you need to look for a technician that can fix it or prevent it from occurring.

If you live in Abbotsford, you may want to check out Anser Power Systems: Generator Repairs to know how to get help, even during emergencies. It is important to choose a repair service around your region and we will discuss more on that in this article.

Tips for Choosing a Certified Technician for Generator Repairs

Apart from the yearly maintenance and servicing, you need to contact a technician when the performance of your generator becomes erratic or you notice signs of some problems. Below are some tips to help you choose a certified technician:

1. Check their Reputation

A sure way of determining whether a company or technician will meet and even exceed your expectations is by checking their reputation. You may want to choose a company with long years of experience and a portfolio that you can study.

Additionally, reliable businesses and technicians will have excellent expert ratings and customer reviews from bureaus and consumer reports. Hence, ensure that you check unbiased forums and blogs to get in-depth information about the technician. The market reputation could help you ascertain if the technician or company keeps their promise.

You may want to visit to find a list of sites that provide unbiased third-party reviews on products and services.

2. Proximity to Your Home or Workplace

It is better to choose a technician within your locality because it makes things easier. It will take less time to request an appointment or visit their office in case you have any complaint. You can also contact them whenever you need technical support.

Another major benefit of choosing local technicians is that they have experience of generator issues and existing challenges. They can also provide actual references of past clients who also reside in the locality. That way, you can easily evaluate the type of service they will render.

3. Competition and Comparison

Comparison shopping for technicians could help to narrow down the search to businesses or technicians that can meet your needs. It may be possible to get a good service immediately, but comparing some top offers is advisable. This is because you could enjoy some benefits like better discounts and free services.

You can click here to read about comparison shopping.

Furthermore, when you compare the offers with the top competitors, you will get a better value. And the more you compare reputable offers, the better the value. But do not lock yourself in comparison. It would be better to try a few services to know which one would suit your needs.

Common Reasons for Generator Failure

Below are some reasons for generator failure:

Battery Malfunction

Several things could lead to a battery malfunction. For instance, dirty or loose connections can affect the performance of your battery negatively. You have to clean the connections and ensure that they are fastened at different periods.

Also, battery failure may be a result of the accumulation of lead sulfate. This compound can affect the battery’s ability to supply enough electrical current. Generally, when this happens, you will have to get a replacement battery.

You can find out how to maintain your generator battery to avoid malfunction.

Oil, Coolant, or Fuel Leaks

When the generator’s pump system is faulty, fuel leaks could occur. You have to get a professional to inspect it regularly to ensure that it is not malfunctioning. Do not also forget to inspect the fuel lines because they are flexible and can crack or wear.

You will typically find coolant leakage inside the block heater’s hoses. The hoses are exposed to extreme temperature, therefore, using silicone hoses will help to make them last longer. You can replace your hoses after a few years as this will reduce the potential for failure.

Also, coolant could deteriorate with time. Hence, ensure that you flush and replace the cooling unit with fresh coolant according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Most times, oil leaks could be caused by wet stacking. This is the accumulation of acids, unburned fuel, lube oil, and carbon particles. It is caused by running the engine significantly below its recommended output level.

When this issue is left unattended to, wet stacking could cause severe damage to the engine’s internal parts. To resolve this, you have to load the generator to the appropriate range for some hours. You can contact a certified technician for assistance.

You may want to check out to find out more reasons for generator failure.


In this article, we shared some tips that can help you choose a certified technician to repair or maintain your generator. We also discussed some common reasons for generator failure. We hope that the information was useful.

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Facilities Management Outsourcing market is estimated to have declined 6% due to Covid-19

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In 2020, market value is projected to decrease by around 6%, largely due to Covid-19 and the lockdown measures introduced to attempt to halt its spread. Although FM contracts have continued to be issued within the last year, the UK economy is expected to take a severe hit, with budgets and investment decisions likely to be negatively impacted.

The effects of the lockdown measures introduced across the UK have been especially hard within several key end-users of FM services. Notable examples include retail, leisure (e.g. gyms and sports stadiums) and the hospitality industry, i.e. pubs, cafes and restaurants. Meanwhile, the curtailing of international travel has also adversely affected end-use FM sectors such as hotels.

Prior to 2020, the bundled outsourced FM market experienced relatively steady growth of around 3% per annum, with the exception of 2017 when the prevailing political uncertainty caused by Brexit resulted in a slowdown. Between 2015 and 2019, market value rose by almost 10%.

The FM market is considered relatively mature across a wide range of sectors, a factor likely to inhibit growth levels over the next few years. The performance of the market remains heavily dependent upon the prevailing political and economic situation in the UK and its effects upon budgets and investment.

Fiona Watts, Commissioned Research Manager at AMA Research, comments “it remains to be seen to what extent end-user sectors such as retail, leisure and hospitality recover from Covid-19 and the associated economic impacts of lockdown. Given that many were struggling to remain profitable prior to the pandemic, it seems likely that many companies may either go out of business or dramatically scale down their estates, thereby reducing demand for FM services”.

The market for outsourced FM services is expected to recover in the years following 2020, although to what extent largely depends upon the UK economic situation. It has been suggested in the past that outsourcing is protected from the worst effects of economic cycles to a large extent – in times of economic slowdown or recession, cost-cutting measures by clients can often stimulate demand for FM services. In times of economic growth, the number of FM contracts tends to increase.

About AMA Research

AMA Research is a leading provider of market research and consultancy services with over 30 years’ experience within the construction and home improvement markets. For more information, go to or follow us on Twitter @AMAResearch for all the latest building and construction market news.

Since 2017, AMA Research has been part of Barbour ABI, a leading provider of construction intelligence services. Barbour ABI is part of UBM, which in June 2018 combined with Informa PLC to become a leading B2B information services group and the largest B2B Events organiser in the world. To learn more and for the latest news and information, visit and

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