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What are aerated blocks used for?

Aerated blocks are a type of innovative concrete blocks that contain more than 80 percent air. They are also called autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). Aerated concrete is a group of materials you would describe as lightweight concrete. Previously, lightweight concrete is an arbitrary term; however, aerated concrete blocks have numerous advantages, such as light, better insulation (sound and light), and stronger than conventional blocks.

Manufacturing of AAC Blocks

To make an aerated block, air is introduced into its composition; furthermore, there are three ways to bring in air in its compositions.

  • By using a porous aggregate, which retains air within the aggregate itself
  • Through a single-size aggregate, thereby leaving interstitial air voids
  • By directly introducing air or other gas into cement slurry in a manner that whenever the cement sets, it forms a uniform cellular concrete.

Famously, AAC is described as a cement paste that has gas bubbles introduced inside them. However, aerated concrete contains a substantial amount of siliceous materials in the form of silica flour, ground burnt shale, and pulverized-fuel ash.

AAC Block price

Cost is an important issue about aerated blocks. Most times, people consider a lot of things besides looking at aac block price. They focus on logistics, shipping costs, and easier means to transport. However, if your building is close to a facility, you would benefit as the cost will reduce.

Properties of Aerated Concrete Blocks


Aerated blocks have a low density, which ranges between 25-50lb. The lighter aerated concrete blocks are used for insulation purposes but have indifferent strength. Nevertheless, the heavier grade of aac blocks has higher straight with low insulation value. The density range for the heavier grade ranges from 40 to 50 lb. per cubic feet.

Compressive Strength

The assessment of declared strength values from several sources is considered difficult due to different testing methods, shapes, and samples. The size and shape are significant because they can affect the outcome of the block by 30 percent.

Modulus of Elasticity

Aerated blocks have a low modulus of elasticity compared to conventional concrete.

Benefits of Using Aerated Blocks

Are you missing the benefits of using autoclave aerated concretes? AAC blocks are important building tools that have been in existence since 1920. If you think it is not worth using today, here are a few reasons to change your perception of aac blocks.

  • Faster construction – AAC blocks minimize construction times because the blocs are bigger with fewer joints than non-autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. Because of this, they are easier to maneuver, which leads to faster completion when working
  • Durability – These concrete blocks are strong and outlast ordinary blocks. Their materials are made of non-biodegradable sources and repel mold
  • Fire resistance – Indeed, the best option to safeguard your property. It can take almost three hours for the fire to penetrate through them. However, it depends on the block size
  • Cost-effectiveness – AAC block price are not outrageous like other types of blocks; importantly, you don’t have to use much concrete and steel when using AAC blocks
  • Energy efficiency – Aerated blocks are good insulators and help to provide better temperatures in a building.


Thinking of using aerated blocks for your next building project, MGN Builders Merchants has a wide range of aerated blocks at the most competitive prices. These blocks are used in many building constructions, including residential, commercial, industrial, hotels, and hospitals. AAC blocks’ lightweight material provides the best thermal and sound insulation you need for your home today.